Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Team Kenya - Misc. - Phil

There are a few other things I have been wanting to share so you can get a better idea of our experiences here.
The weather has been amazing!  The equator goes right through Kenya, and we have already or will drive over it!  This is their winter season, so highs are cooler  in the 70s-80s, and lows are in the 50s-60s.  Sunrise and sunset can't vary a lot being in this equatorial region, so about 6:30AM-6:30PM daily with slight variation during the year.  We have been in a very hilly / mountainous area with beautiful landscapes and trees, although not a lot of flowers.  There are many crops growing in fields we can see along the road as well as in the distance:  sugar cane, corn, tea, bananas, and more.  There have been hardly any bugs at all.
The students wear school uniforms with different colors for each school - ours in Etago were pink and blue.  We will see what they have in Moi's Bridge.  Boys wear shorts, but men wear pants.  Girls and women wear skirts and dresses, and usually very colorful ones!  Women even seem like they have nice clothes when they are working outside.  Many men wear sport coats or suit coats.  People seem to have many different jobs.  Outside of town there are many farmers and herdsmen, but also there are many animals in town.  There are thousands of small shacks, many of them connected, lining the roads, especially in town, that are made of wood, tin, and some are brick.  They advertise and sell almost anything, from produce they grow, to amazing furniture they make and sell.  There are road workers and hotel staff.  Some people wash cars, fix motorbikes, or sell repair parts.  Some sell clothes and shoes.  There are signs for hospitals and pharmacies.  There are taxis on motorbikes and vans.


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